Criterion 3 - 3.3 - 3.3.3

Number of books and chapters in edited volumes/books published and papers published in national/ international conference proceedings per teacher during the year.

Sl. No. Name of the teacher Title of the book/chapters published Title of the paper Title of the proceedings of the conference Name of the conference National / International Year of publication ISBN/ISSN number of the proceeding Name of the publisher Link
1 Monica Sagar Dhotre Principles of programming languages ------ ------ ------ ------ Sept, 2023 978-81-19116-41-6 Nirali Publication
2 Monica Sagar Dhotre Artificial Intelligence ------ ------ ------ ------ Dec, 2023 978-81-9681-499-1 Nirali Publication
3 Monica Sagar Dhotre Design and analysis of algorithms ------ ------ ------ ------ Jan, 2024 978-93-6109-764-5 Nirali Publication
4 Monica Sagar Dhotre Mobile App Development Technologies ------ ------ ------ ------ Jan, 2024 978-93-6109-085-1 Nirali Publication
5 Monica Sagar Dhotre Web Technologies ------ ------ ------ ------ Feb, 2024 978-93-6109-985-4 Nirali Publication
6 Monali Sagar Patil Software Project Management ------ ------ ------ ------ Jan,2024 978-93-6109-837-6 Nirali Publication
7 Sayali Ghodake(Thorat) Software Architecture and Design Patterns. ------ ------ ------ ------ Feb-23 978-93-95951-71-5 Nirali Publication
8 Dr. Shraddha Sankla   ------ World Mythology and World Literature World Mythology and World Literature International March, 2024 978-81-974456-6-8 Pandian Educational Trust, Virudhunagar, TN
9 Mr. Ganesh Raut Aitihasik Bodhpar Kathamala- part 1 ------ ------ ------ ------ Feb-23   Government of Maharashtra
10 Mr. Ganesh Raut Aitihasik Bodhpar Kathamala- part 2 ------ ------ ------ ------ Feb-23   Government of Maharashtra
11 Mr. Ganesh Raut Aitihasik Bodhpar Kathamala- part 3 ------ ------ ------ ------ Feb-23   Government of Maharashtra
12 Mr. Ganesh Raut Yanni ghadavila Maharashtra ------ ------ ------ ------ Apr-24 978-93-90-129-81-2 Mervin Technologies
13 Mr. Ganesh Raut Thoranche Balpan ------ ------ ------ ------   978-93-921-21-80-7 Rudra Enterprises
14 Dr. Pragati Abhyankar Introduction to Micobiology ------ ------ ------ ------ Jul-24   Nirali Publication
15 Dr.Rajashree Patwardhan Introduction to Micobiology ------ ------ ------ ------ Jul-24   Nirali Publication
16 Dr. Yashodhan Mithare Financial Accounting - I Financial Accounting - I ------ ------ ------ 2023 978-93-5840-566-8 Himalaya Publication
17 Dr.Shradha Prasad Advanced Cost Accounting & Cost System(Application of Cost Accounting)   ------ ------ ------ 2023 978-81-19939-19-0 Success Publication
18 Dr.Shradha Prasad Advanced Cost Accounting & Cost System(Variance Analysis & Interpretation))   ------ ------ ------ 2023 978-81-19939-08-4 Success Publication
19 Dr. Mahavir Sankla ------ A Study of Key Features of being Imminent Personality to Develop Nation ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------
20 Dr. Mahavir Sankla ------ A Study of Essential Factors to Make India Superpower ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------
21 Mrs. Chetana Adatiya COMPULSORY ENGLISH WORKBOOK (SUCCESS AVENUE) FOR F. Y. B.Com. ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------
22 Mr. Prashant Ingole Dalit Literary Criticism ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------